U-Bolts, Special Studs, Rods & Assemblies
All produced in a Full Range of Finishes, from the following materials: Mild Steel, Boron and High Tensile Steels.
Standard& Change Section U-Bolts:
- Cold Bend 6mm to 20mm Diameter. Varying radiuses
- Hot Bend / Change Section 12mm to 24mm diameter
- Roll Thread & Screw Thread M6 to M24
Special Studs:
- Cold Bend 6mm to 30mm diameter. Length 30mm to 1000mm
- Roll Thread & Screw Thread M6 to M24
Rods& Assemblies:
- Cold Bend 6mm to 10mm diameter
- Roll Thread & Screw Thread M6 to M10
- Assemblies with welded washers and connnectors
Locate Us
Hill Steels LtdPressings and Manufacturing Division Bridge Works
Bilport Lane, Wednesbury
West Midlands
WS10 0NU