
British and DIN125A Standard Steel Washers are produced and offered from stock.  Special Washers, including hardened washers, together with other DIN Standard sizes are manufactured on site in both ferrous and non-ferrous materials.

A wide range of presses, many equipped with quick change-over tooling facilities and CNC controls, produce both large and small volumes, competitively.

For washers requiring fine hole tolerances then our Honing equipment can achieve this and also improve the surface texture. Hole sizes range from 10mm to 125mm.

Washers requiring varying tight tolerances of thickness, then please refer to our Duplex Grinding Section for more information.

We have 2 large barrels and all washers are de-burred and cleaned using a maize process prior to despatch, however should a more polished finish be required then we also have 4 Roto barrels which can achieve a surface finish of RA 0.25max.

In addition, we have a close working relationship with various sub-contractors enabling us to offer a comprehensive range of surface coatings.

Locate Us

Hill Steels Ltd
Pressings and Manufacturing Division Bridge Works
Bilport Lane, Wednesbury
West Midlands
WS10 0NU


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